Who We Are
Micronesian Islander Community
A non-profit that strives to bring all Micronesians together, and help the communities with social and racial justice, citizen rights, and needs as well as conserve our culture and raise Micronesian Awareness.

What we do
We support and advocate for Micronesian islanders and other Pacific islanders mainly in Oregon.
We Collaborate
We value collective efforts within the community and partners who are willing to work with us. We bring people together with the focus to help the community.
We Educate
There’s a lot of work that needs to be done in the community. We bridge the learning opportunities with the proper resources and advocate for cultural specific programs.
We Care
The services and programs that we provide to the community comes with the outmost care. We try to provide services and resources with a sense of understanding that the community is safe and will give them a peace of mind.
We Consult
We advocate on behalf of the Micronesian Islander Community and articulate from the community perspective. We also help community members to navigate the system with resources and services within our reach.
What we have achieved
This is just a glimpse of a yearly hours and resources that we serve the community members who needs our services.


Micronesian Islander
If you have any questions about any of our programs and services